Thursday, October 11, 2007


the stereotypes these young ones have, and what they know of the U.S. (just for fun)
"do all of the Americans eat hamburgers? because I was eating one once, and my mom told me that i shouldn't eat a lot because I'll get fat like the Americans."
"the white house!"
various animals, colors, and days of the week, although the order I was given was: "Wednesday, Friday, Saturday"
"statue of liberty"
"world trade center"
"empire state building"
various greetings, and ways to say good-bye
"do you all eat pancakes?" - to which I said 'YES, AND WITH TONS OF MAPLE SYRUP, MY FAMILY MAKES OUR OWN!' "what's maple syrup" (my heart broke, they probably don't know cheddar cheese either)
"do you like France or the US better?
"Is it easy to learn all of those French words in three weeks?"
"So do you live in Tours or do you travel here from home every day?"
"Which state is Canada?"
"Does the Czech Republic border your state?"
"Does your family speak English"
"Is England the capital of the US?"

And many others
it was cute.


Anonymous said...

Time for your mom to send you some maple syrup from le Vermont so you can introduce them to it!

Anonymous said...

"Does the Czech Republic border your state?"????.....This is going to be an educational experience in more ways than one!! It's cute that the French teacher wants to speak English as well as you speak French. Kudos to that Mt H education.