Wednesday, January 16, 2008

there are more reasons to stay in france than the food.

the hair dressers. i have a fantastic haircut with super awesome color option. and i'm very excited.
what else can i say?
i gave my kids tests yesterday and monday, and i've finally finished grading all of them. which took forever. but it was alright. i had a few kids who didn't understand the directions, one boy who cheated off one girl, and i'm not sure how to handle that situation at all. but i'll deal with that tomorrow.

i was given the brilliant idea from my boss. i've introduced my students to curious george, and now they get to write their own stories (basically the first few sentences of introduction) about different animals. so we're starting those projects in my classes - but i'm not letting all of them know what exactly the project is. i'm also supposed to be getting observed soon by my supervisors. gross. last time that happened i was not prepared for it and i didn't enjoy it that much. but whatever. i'm just hoping she doesn't come to the classes where the teacher's aren't in the room. this is for a couple reasons. the first is that the classes are terrible and i have to be absolutely heinous with them otherwise they just don't respond. i know they want us to do the positive reinforcement thing with them, but the fact of the matter is that these kids have been programmed to only respond to fear of an instructor, not respect. this is only at one school. we have also done exactly what they told us not to do, which is cut the class in half and i take one half for 45 minutes and the other half for 45 minutes. i'm not supposed to do this because they are required by law to to have an hour and a half of english a week. well, technically i'm with these kids for an hour and a half, but they are only with me for 45 minutes since we split them. but this way, they get to talk more, instead of me with 30 students. one teacher to 30 students is just not fair. the people who teach in high schools and middle schools aren't allowed to have more than 15 in their classes. jeez.

but i don't have to worry about that tomorrow. i've got to get through tomorrow's classes and then my weekend starts - i've got nothing on my plate for friday, or saturday, or sunday. hooray!

pretty soon my parents visit, and that should be real fun. it will be nice to see them, considering how long it's been. my cousin nick just found me on facebook because he felt like joining after checking out my pictures. i hadn't realized how long it had been since i'd seen my family. everyone got together for one of my cousin's weddings this summer, but i was here. kinda makes me feel out of the loop. but oh well.

i did discover that itunes has CSI, and i downloaded what was there of season 8, so i'm all caught up on that. THANK GOD. i know we were all concerend.

alright. i'm off to bed.
night night kiddies

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

watch out about what you say about France on this blog !!!